Vidéos > Segment de Haut Niveau

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Dr. Hermann Onko AEIKENS, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany)


Dr. Ibrahim MAYAKI, President of the 4 per 1000 Initiative, Chairman of the Forum

Prof. Rattan LAL, Ohio State University and Chair of International Union of Soils Sciences (USA)

Mrs. Isabel Garcia TEJERINA, Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries, Food & Environment (Spain)

Mr. Stéphane TRAVERT, Minister of Agriculture & Food (France)

Mr. Sándor FAZEKAS, Minister of Agriculture (Hungary)

Mr. Samir TAÏEB, Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources & Fisheries (Tunisia)

Mr. Eduardo MANSUR, Director of Land and Water Division, FAO (Italy)


Mr. Barron ORR, Lead Scientist UNCCD (Germany)

Mrs. Naoko ISHII, CEO & Chairperson of Global Environment Facility (USA)

Mr. Bernard FAUTRIER, Administrator Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco

 Mrs. Monika CHRISTMANN, Chairperson of OIV (Germany)

Mr. Johnson BOANUH, Director of Environment, ECOWAS (Nigeria)

Mr. Mohamed SADIKI, Vice-Chair of the Board of CIHEAM (France)

Mr. Philippe MAUGUIN, Chairman & CEO of INRA (France)

Mrs. Inger ANDERSEN, Director General of UICN (Denmark)

Mr. Bharat KAKADE, Vice-Chair BAIF (India)

Mr. Emmanuel FABER, Chairman & CEO of Danone (France)



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